Welcome to DOMINO -course!
The DOMINO -prevention of domestic violence -course (5 ECTS) is an independent online course in English.
The course consists of five (5) different sections, 1 ECTS each, which include independent reading and assignments.
This course will be suitable for all social- and health care students and professionals who wants to strengthen their understanding and knowledge of prevention and early intervention of domestic violence.
The course aims to provide knowledge and skills to social- and healthcare professionals for prevention and early intervention of domestic violence. The ultimate goal is that social and healthcare professionals will be able to work in a multidisciplinary team in order to address the domestic violence as a public health phenomenon.
After the completion of the course the students;
- are able to conceptualize domestic violence as phenomena
- know different forms and the consequences of domestic violence
- are able to recognize the situations when needed to intervene sensitively and are aware of the tools and resources of the community
- are able to identify domestic violence and to recognize the risk groups
- know the appropriate interventions and can contribute and liaise
- acquires multidisciplinary perspectives and skills for interprofessional cooperation in the social and health sector
- acquires the skills to address the concern of violence
- becomes aware of their own attitudes and values towards domestic violence
- have the understanding of the digital tools and communication to prevent and intervene domestic violence
DOMINO -project
This course is a part of an EU-funded project: DOMINO - Educational mobile application for prevention of Domestic Violence.